Monday, March 18, 2019
Human Nature: Exposed :: essays research papers
Human Nature overt     More than a century ago, Mark Twain probably composed the single-mostimportant piece of American Literature to ever be composed. This work, astrayknown as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, essenti aloney follows young Huck on aseries of adventures and experiences with his close friend (and runaway slave),Jim, as they both leave troupes burdens. The novel, in a sense, encompasseseverything good, bad and in between ab forbidden and concerning the society of that condemnation. A majority of the novel final payments place along the Mississippi river, with y step to the forehful Huck, and Jim each striving to attain a common goal, freedom from the woesof society. In their journey, they come across many different people, andencounter many hostile and new experiences that all relate to a common themethat is straightforward throughout the novel. As their journey progresses, the readerwitnesses many horrific and move acts, all performed by none other thanman himself. Looking deeper into the symbolistic subject matter of many of thesepassages reveals that man, in essence , is brute(a), silly, and hypocritical innature.     Through his writing, it becomes observable that Twain supports thethematic idea of the human race being hypocritical. For instance, take thescene in Chapter 20 where a group of people in Arkansas are listening to thesermon of a preacher. In this descriptive passage, it can be inferred throughTwains writing that the average person of this time was in fact "blind" byreligious influences. The significance of this display case can be observed later onin Chapter 21 where Twain describes the horrific abuse of animals. "Therecouldnt anything wake them up all over, and make them happy all over, like adog-fight--unless it might be putting turpentine on a stray dog and vista fireto him..." (Twain 140). In putting the two preceding passages in panorama adistinctive iro ny becomes visible. The same type of individuals whom practice religion in good faith turn around and perform cruel acts to animals, for sportof all things. This is hypocritical because the basis of religion is definitelynot to support or defend such acts, but that doesnt seem to commence any adverseaffect upon the average person who is merely "blinded" by glamour of religionand what it stands for, not having any intention of carrying out its plight.So all said and done, Twain wanted to make it spend to the reader in a subtleway that these two scenes, in conjunction support the statement that Twainswriting makes the human race out as hypocritical in nature.     In addition of Twain victimisation the experiences that Huck and Jim undergo to
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