
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Application of Research in Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Application of Research in Human Services - Essay Example In the United States, the origin of human services is traceable back to the charitable activities that groups undertook during the colonial period. These groups include the religious and civic organizations that existed during this time. Nevertheless, human services were not considered as a serious academic discipline until 1960s. Academicians during this era saw the significance of human services as an ideology that would revolutionize human service delivery and professionalism (Sundel et al., 1999). As stated earlier, the main objective of human service as a academic discipline is increasing the efficiency of service delivery. Other objectives of human service include the re-education and sharpening of professions involved in the traditional service delivery. These traditional helping professional, through human service, adopt a humanistic approach in service delivery; implementing humanistic psychology during service delivery. Furthermore, human service also improves the accountability of these professionals to the communities they are supposed to serve (Neukrug, 1994). Service delivery professionals are able to take responsibility in the organizations they serve and implement appropriate systems that take into consideration the population they are serving. Finally, human service advocates that service delivery professionals to be involved in social change that aims to improve society as a whole. Nursing, education, law, medicine, social work and other traditional academic programs were resistant in adopting the human service approach during service delivery. The reason they were resistant stemmed from the fact that this new ideology challenged the professional status of these academic programs (Sundel et al., 1999). However, this was not the case because human services aimed at encouraging these traditional professions in promoting social change. Human service programs branch into homeless youths, youth development programs, community collaborations among

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